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The world today is full of diversity. And that’s what makes it so beautiful, isn’t it? From cultural diversity to culinary diversity, the editorial team has focused on musical diversity. We are interested in the evolution of African music.
Africa, the new competitor?
When we say music, you probably think first of the United States, France, Latinos… That’s it, I’m done naming, we could spend all day. In spite of the dominance of the market by the latter, we have noticed for a few years now the arrival of another competitor on the music scene in the person of Africa.
Indeed, it is noted that it has made an enormous good in the musical world. From the mythical groups of the past, we have moved to a whole new dimension with the emergence of several African artists who continue to export African culture beyond the continents, much like their illustrious elders did.
Today, several artists of African origin stand out on the international scene.
What has favored the emergence of African music?
For a long time, African artists have sought to copy what was being done around them. Whether it is in the musical genre, or even sometimes the culture. It has been deplored many times that African artists are in search of an identity.
It must be said that this identity, they finally found it. Since then, African music is in full swing on all continents. France, for example, has several artists of African origin in its ranks who are the pride of both France and Africa.
More work to be done
In 2018, several African artists performed on stage at numerous European festivals, irrefutable proof that African music is starting to move abroad. In the US, let’s not even talk about it. It’s just amazing what black artists are doing on the other side. Even if there is still work to be done to reach the elite with an intrinsic identity, African music has not finished surprising us believe me.
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